

Fanaroff, Alexander C, Elias J Dayoub, Lin Yang, Kaitlyn Schultz, Omar I Ramadan, Grace J Wang, Scott M Damrauer, et al. (2024) 2024. “Association Between Diagnosis-to-Limb Revascularization Time and Clinical Outcomes in Outpatients With Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia: Insights From the CLIPPER Cohort.”. Journal of the American Heart Association 13 (9): e033898.

BACKGROUND: The extent and consequences of ischemia in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) may change rapidly, and delays from diagnosis to revascularization may worsen outcomes. We sought to describe the association between time from diagnosis to endovascular lower extremity revascularization (diagnosis-to-limb revascularization [D2L] time) and clinical outcomes in outpatients with CLTI.

METHODS AND RESULTS: In the CLIPPER cohort, comprising patients between 66 and 86 years old diagnosed with CLTI betweeen 2010 and 2019, we used Medicare claims data to identify patients who underwent outpatient endovascular revascularization within 180 days of diagnosis. We described the risk-adjusted association between D2L time and clinical outcomes. Among 1 130 065 patients aged between 66 and 86 years with CLTI, 99 221 (8.8%) underwent outpatient endovascular lower extremity revascularization within 180 days of their CLTI diagnosis. Among patients with D2L time <30 days, there was no association between D2L time and all-cause death or major lower extremity amputation. However, among patients with D2L time >30 days, each additional 10-day increase in D2L time was associated with a 2.5% greater risk of major amputation (hazard ratio, 1.025 [95% CI, 1.014-1.036]). There was no association between D2L time and all-cause death.

CONCLUSIONS: A delay of >30 days from CLTI diagnosis to lower extremity endovascular revascularization was associated with an increased risk of major lower extremity amputation among patients undergoing outpatient endovascular revascularization. Improving systems of care to reduce D2L time could reduce amputations.

Jacquemyn, Xander, Jordan B Strom, Geoff Strange, David Playford, Simon Stewart, Shelby Kutty, Deepak L Bhatt, et al. (2024) 2024. “Moderate Aortic Valve Stenosis Is Associated With Increased Mortality Rate and Lifetime Loss: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Reconstructed Time-to-Event Data of 409 680 Patients.”. Journal of the American Heart Association 13 (9): e033872.

BACKGROUND: The mortality risk attributable to moderate aortic stenosis (AS) remains incompletely characterized and has historically been underestimated. We aim to evaluate the association between moderate AS and all-cause death, comparing it with no/mild AS (in a general referral population and in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction).

METHODS AND RESULTS: A systematic review and pooled meta-analysis of Kaplan-Meier-derived reconstructed time-to-event data of studies published by June 2023 was conducted to evaluate survival outcomes among patients with moderate AS in comparison with individuals with no/mild AS. Ten studies were included, encompassing a total of 409 680 patients (11 527 with moderate AS and 398 153 with no/mild AS). In the overall population, the 15-year overall survival rate was 23.3% (95% CI, 19.1%-28.3%) in patients with moderate AS and 58.9% (95% CI, 58.1%-59.7%) in patients with no/mild aortic stenosis (hazard ratio [HR], 2.55 [95% CI, 2.46-2.64]; P<0.001). In patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, the 10-year overall survival rate was 15.5% (95% CI, 10.0%-24.0%) in patients with moderate AS and 37.3% (95% CI, 36.2%-38.5%) in patients with no/mild AS (HR, 1.83 [95% CI, 1.69-2.0]; P<0.001). In both populations (overall and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction), these differences correspond to significant lifetime loss associated with moderate AS during follow-up (4.4 years, P<0.001; and 1.9 years, P<0.001, respectively). A consistent pattern of elevated mortality rate associated with moderate AS in sensitivity analyses of matched studies was observed.

CONCLUSIONS: Moderate AS was associated with higher risk of death and lifetime loss compared with patients with no/mild AS.

Mukherjee, Monica, Jordan B Strom, Jonathan Afilalo, Mo Hu, Lauren Beussink-Nelson, Jiwon Kim, Karima Addetia, et al. (2024) 2024. “Normative Values of Echocardiographic Chamber Size and Function in Older Healthy Adults: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.”. Circulation. Cardiovascular Imaging 17 (5): e016420.

BACKGROUND: Echocardiographic (2-dimensional echocardiography) thresholds indicating disease or impaired functional status compared with normal physiological aging in individuals aged ≥65 years are not clearly defined. In the present study, we sought to establish standard values for 2-dimensional echocardiography parameters related to chamber size and function in older adults without cardiopulmonary or cardiometabolic conditions.

METHODS: In this cross-sectional study of 3032 individuals who underwent 2-dimensional echocardiography at exam 6 in the MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis), 608 participants fulfilled our inclusion criteria of healthy aging, with normative values defined as the mean ± 1.96 standard deviation and compared across sex and race and ethnicity. Functional status measures included NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide), 6-minute walk distance, and Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire. Prognostic performance using MESA cutoffs was compared with established guideline cutoffs using time-to-event analysis.

RESULTS: The normative aging cohort (69.5±7.0 years, 46.2% male, 47.5% White) had lower NT-proBNP, higher 6-minute walk distance, and higher (better) Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire summary values. Women had significantly smaller chamber sizes and better biventricular systolic function. White participants had the largest chamber dimensions, whereas Chinese participants had the smallest, even after adjustment for body size. Current guidelines identified 81.6% of healthy older adults in MESA as having cardiac abnormalities.

CONCLUSIONS: Among a large, diverse group of healthy older adults, we found significant differences in cardiac structure and function by sex and race/ethnicity, which may signal sex-specific cardiac remodeling with advancing age. It is crucial for existing guidelines to consider the observed and clinically significant differences in cardiac structure and function associated with healthy aging. Our study highlights that existing guidelines, which grade abnormalities in echocardiographic cardiac chamber size and function based on younger individuals, may not adequately address the anticipated changes associated with normal aging.

Bayman, Eric, Keanu Chee, Madelyn Mendlen, Daniel J Denman, Rex N Tien, Steven Ojemann, Daniel R Kramer, and John A Thompson. (2024) 2024. “Subthalamic Nucleus Synchronization Between Beta Band Local Field Potential and Single-Unit Activity in Parkinson’s Disease.”. Physiological Reports 12 (9): e16001.

Local field potential (LFP) oscillations in the beta band (13-30 Hz) in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) of Parkinson's disease patients have been implicated in disease severity and treatment response. The relationship between single-neuron activity in the STN and regional beta power changes remains unclear. We used spike-triggered average (STA) to assess beta synchronization in STN. Beta power and STA magnitude at the beta frequency range were compared in three conditions: STN versus other subcortical structures, dorsal versus ventral STN, and high versus low beta power STN recordings. Magnitude of STA-LFP was greater within the STN compared to extra-STN structures along the trajectory path, despite no difference in percentage of the total power. Within the STN, there was a higher percent beta power in dorsal compared to ventral STN but no difference in STA-LFP magnitude. Further refining the comparison to high versus low beta peak power recordings inside the STN to evaluate if single-unit activity synchronized more strongly with beta band activity in areas of high beta power resulted in a significantly higher STA magnitude for areas of high beta power. Overall, these results suggest that STN single units strongly synchronize to beta activity, particularly units in areas of high beta power.

Korjian, Serge, Killian J McCarthy, Emily A Larnard, Donald E Cutlip, Margaret B McEntegart, Ajay J Kirtane, and Robert W Yeh. (2024) 2024. “Drug-Coated Balloons in the Management of Coronary Artery Disease.”. Circulation. Cardiovascular Interventions 17 (5): e013302.

Drug-coated balloons (DCBs) are specialized coronary devices comprised of a semicompliant balloon catheter with an engineered coating that allows the delivery of antiproliferative agents locally to the vessel wall during percutaneous coronary intervention. Although DCBs were initially developed more than a decade ago, their potential in coronary interventions has recently sparked renewed interest, especially in the United States. Originally designed to overcome the limitations of conventional balloon angioplasty and stenting, they aim to match or even improve upon the outcomes of drug-eluting stents without leaving a permanent implant. Presently, in-stent restenosis is the condition with the most robust evidence supporting the use of DCBs. DCBs provide improved long-term vessel patency compared with conventional balloon angioplasty and may be comparable to drug-eluting stents without the need for an additional stent layer, supporting their use as a first-line therapy for in-stent restenosis. Beyond the treatment of in-stent restenosis, DCBs provide an additional tool for de novo lesions for a strategy that avoids a permanent metal scaffold, which may be especially useful for the management of technically challenging anatomies such as small vessels and bifurcations. DCBs might also be advantageous for patients with high bleeding risk due to the decreased necessity for extended antiplatelet therapy, and in patients with diabetes and patients with diffuse disease to minimize long-stented segments. Further studies are crucial to confirm these broader applications for DCBs and to further validate safety and efficacy.

Perera, Sudheesha, ZhaoNian Zheng, and Rishi K Wadhera. (2024) 2024. “Cardiovascular Health, Lifestyle Factors, and Social Determinants in Asian Subpopulations in the United States.”. The American Journal of Cardiology 216: 77-86.

Asian Americans are often aggregated in national public health surveillance efforts, which may conceal important differences in the health status of subgroups that are included in this highly diverse population. Little is known about how cardiovascular health varies across Asian subpopulations and the extent to which lifestyle and social risk factors contribute to any observed differences. This national study used data from the National Health Interview Survey to evaluate the burden of cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus) and cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, coronary heart disease, angina, stroke) across Asian groups (Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Other Asian), and determine whether differences are related to lifestyle factors and/or social determinants of health. The weighted study population included 13,592,178 Asian adults. Filipino adults were more likely to have hypertension than Chinese adults (29.4% vs 15.4%; adjusted odds ratio [OR] 2.40, 95% confidence interval [1.91 to 3.02]), as were Asian Indians (15.7%; OR 1.59 [1.25 to 2.02]). These patterns were similar for hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus. For cardiovascular diseases, Filipino adults were significantly more likely to have coronary heart disease (4.2% vs 1.9%; OR 2.19 [1.32 to 3.56]), heart attack (2.6% vs 0.9%; OR 2.79 [1.44 to 5.41]), angina (1.8% vs 0.9%; OR 2.15 [1.06 to 4.32]), and stroke (2.1% vs 0.8%; OR 2.54 [1.42 to 4.55]) compared with Chinese adults, whereas there were no differences compared with Asian Indian adults. Adjustments for lifestyle factors and social determinants completely attenuated differences in coronary heart disease, heart attack, and angina among subpopulations. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that cardiovascular risk factors and diseases vary significantly across Asian subpopulations, with Filipino adults experiencing the highest burden and Chinese adults the lowest, and that differences in cardiovascular disease are largely attenuated after adjustment for lifestyle and social determinants.

Liu, Michael, Sahil Sandhu, Karen E Joynt Maddox, and Rishi K Wadhera. (2024) 2024. “Health Equity Adjustment and Hospital Performance in the Medicare Value-Based Purchasing Program.”. JAMA 331 (16): 1387-96.

IMPORTANCE: Medicare's Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) program will provide a health equity adjustment (HEA) to hospitals that have greater proportions of patients dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid and that offer high-quality care beginning in fiscal year 2026. However, which hospitals will benefit most from this policy change and to what extent are unknown.

OBJECTIVE: To estimate potential changes in hospital performance after HEA and examine hospital patient mix, structural, and geographic characteristics associated with receipt of increased payments.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional study analyzed all 2676 hospitals participating in the HVBP program in fiscal year 2021. Publicly available data on program performance and hospital characteristics were linked to Medicare claims data on all inpatient stays for dual-eligible beneficiaries at each hospital to calculate HEA points and HVBP payment adjustments.

EXPOSURES: Hospital Value-Based Purchasing program HEA.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Reclassification of HVBP bonus or penalty status and changes in payment adjustments across hospital characteristics.

RESULTS: Of 2676 hospitals participating in the HVBP program in fiscal year 2021, 1470 (54.9%) received bonuses and 1206 (45.1%) received penalties. After HEA, 102 hospitals (6.9%) were reclassified from bonus to penalty status, whereas 119 (9.9%) were reclassified from penalty to bonus status. At the hospital level, mean (SD) HVBP payment adjustments decreased by $4534 ($90 033) after HEA, ranging from a maximum reduction of $1 014 276 to a maximum increase of $1 523 765. At the aggregate level, net-positive changes in payment adjustments were largest among safety net hospitals ($28 971 708) and those caring for a higher proportion of Black patients ($15 468 445). The likelihood of experiencing increases in payment adjustments was significantly higher among safety net compared with non-safety net hospitals (574 of 683 [84.0%] vs 709 of 1993 [35.6%]; adjusted rate ratio [ARR], 2.04 [95% CI, 1.89-2.20]) and high-proportion Black hospitals compared with non-high-proportion Black hospitals (396 of 523 [75.7%] vs 887 of 2153 [41.2%]; ARR, 1.40 [95% CI, 1.29-1.51]). Rural hospitals (374 of 612 [61.1%] vs 909 of 2064 [44.0%]; ARR, 1.44 [95% CI, 1.30-1.58]), as well as those located in the South (598 of 1040 [57.5%] vs 192 of 439 [43.7%]; ARR, 1.25 [95% CI, 1.10-1.42]) and in Medicaid expansion states (801 of 1651 [48.5%] vs 482 of 1025 [47.0%]; ARR, 1.16 [95% CI, 1.06-1.28]), were also more likely to experience increased payment adjustments after HEA compared with their urban, Northeastern, and Medicaid nonexpansion state counterparts, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Medicare's implementation of HEA in the HVBP program will significantly reclassify hospital performance and redistribute program payments, with safety net and high-proportion Black hospitals benefiting most from this policy change. These findings suggest that HEA is an important strategy to ensure that value-based payment programs are more equitable.